BLOODSPORT: Ep. 4 Aftermath

January 12, 2013
Welllllll, there's another incredible episode of BLOODSPORT in the bag!!! Hope the fans enjoy it as much we do creating the magic!!! Though gawd damn, it's some painful fuckin' ass magic!!! Looks like JOSHUA BLACK will be granted his release after "Angry" Angus's bleacher dive.  Despite his best intentions, again Black was unable to pull it together and survive in the DERPness!!! In OTHER injury related news, it's seems that Johnny Marvelous was experiencing concussion like symptoms after the show and I dunno if the man's going to be ready to compete, so I wouldn't be looking to see Mister "TOO GOOD" on Episode 5!!!

And, in case anyone was concerned... Despite DERP's surge in popularity and increased take at the gate, my promise remains the same: DERP forever and always first! After all the bills are paid and everyone's got their fair share for bustin' their hump on this tour, whatever's left over is going RIGHT back into the fold! I may not be able to afford the three piece suits or the forty dollar steak dinners... but I will be able to put on one of the best wrestling shows in the US of A!!!

Thats enough rambling for now.  It's late.  This owner/promoter/booker/mark needs sleep.  

Can you tell the DERPness gots me all fired up???  I can.  I fuckin' can.


December 14, 2012
I figured out how to BLOG on my OWN website! WOWZA!!! I dunno if I'm ever gunna actually use this feature...


If i guess if you DO stumble on this, and actually DARE to read such nonsense....


That is all.

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I am awesome.

December 14, 2012
I... Am.... Awesome!
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About Me

Ryan FUCKIN' Delaney The madman behind the MADNESS that is.... DERP!



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